
Antox Pickling & Passivation Chemicals

Antox Pickling & Passivation Chemicals

Chemetall offers a comprehensive portfolio of Antox products for Pickling and passivation.

Popular Antox Products for Pickling and Passivation

Pickling Cleaner

To clean and brighten the metal surface and to remove foreign corrosion particles.

Antox Pickling Gels and Pastes

These gels and pastes are designed for spot pickling and localized treatments, especially around welds. They can be applied easily with a brush, targeting specific areas that need cleaning and restoring.

Antox pickling pastes:

Antox Pickling Liquids

For larger surfaces or batch treatments, Antox pickling liquids provide a highly effective solution for cleaning large stainless-steel components. These can be used in immersion baths or sprayed on large structures.

Antox spray pickling products:

Antox Bath pickling products:

Antox Passivation Liquids

Antox passivation Liquids are formulated to work quickly, forming a strong protective layer on the stainless-steel surface. These are applied after pickling to ensure optimal corrosion resistance.

Antox passivating Liquids:

Neutralizer Agent

Neutralizes heavy acidic stainless steel pickling pastes containing hydrofluoric acid.

Antox Neutralizing Paste:

Working Tools